Why Did I Stop Being A Business Mentor? It’s been almost three years since I put my small business coaching practice on hold and turned my hand to my other passion – refashion design. Making unique and fun garments from vintage fabrics, reclaimed lace, trim…

This Color Quiz Will Reveal What You Love Most About Yourself
Most people are unaware of the important role color plays in their lives. But just as music can affect your mood, and body language can reveal your emotions, this color quiz will tell you what you love most about yourself. Do you prefer to wear bright,…
How To Choose A Great Domain Name for Your Blog
How To Choose a Great Domain Name If you jumped on the Internet in the early days (before 2000), chances are good that you managed to get a really great domain name that describes what your business is about. It may even includes some of the key…

Life Events and Business Transformation Mashup
When my husband Wayne was informed by his cardiologist that he had to have open heart surgery – and soon – neither of us had any idea that our lives would be turned upside down by the series of events that followed. Thankfully we had…

Web Site Design vs. Lifestyle Design – Which is More Important?
This always amazes me. As the owner of a website design and marketing company for over 20 years now, it just blows me away how much care and attention to detail people are willing to invest in the most beautifully designed website (or vacation, or…

Does Your Website Represent who YOU are?
I hate to say this, but it makes me cringe when I visit someone’s website – especially someone I know – and their site is just – well – a mess. Lackluster, confusing, or one of those ugly “do-it-yourself in-one-night” sites. It’s awkward for me…

Your Perspective Can Change
I loved this piece of reasoning that came to me during a meditation back in October: “Your mood or attitude – your THOUGHTS – can change in a split second. Your perspective of any situation or desired manifestation can pivot on a dime. You OWN your…

The World You Were Meant To Live In
This came through to me the other day from Spirit, disguised as something a character was saying on a TV show I was watching. I immediately realized that it needed to be in our next Success Memos book. Enjoy!
Surrendering Control and Trusting The Universe
Hi, beautiful! Here’s a Success Memo just for you: When you’re unafraid of taking responsibility for the outcomes of your own actions, you’ll move further, faster, and with greater joy towards your goals and dreams. Okay, but what does that even mean? Well, have you…
When You Take That Terrifying Step…
Have You Ever Been Terrified of Taking Your Next Step? When I moved to America without knowing a soul – I was terrified. When I got my very first website client back in the mid-90’s – I was terrified. When I did my first big event as…