People out there had lost everything. Roads were washed out. Help couldn’t get through. And Dawn Chitwood was sitting in her restaurant with a huge refrigerator full of food and no power.
She thought about it for a while, took a huge breath, and made the decision to do something wonderful. She decided to feed 4,000 hungry, desperate men, women and children.
What happened next was the biggest surprise of her life. A social media firestorm – the best kind of firestorm – erupted and led to a chain of events that took her life in a completely unexpected direction.
To find out what news stations were reporting about Dawn Chitwood up and down the East Coast, listen to her story on our Dream Business Breakthrough Virtual Event and learn the naked truth about what’s really possible for YOU.
I put together this event because I know that you deserve success now.
Hugs, Mandy Wildman
P.S. Do you have an amazing story you’d like to share? Let us know.