Candace and I have been friends for a couple of years now. We’ve never met, and have only talked on the phone once or twice. But I adore this lady.
A lot of people dismiss Facebook, but that’s where I’ve met some of my most heartfelt friends. We share our ups and downs, laugh, cry, spit and soar together.
When Candace and I first connected she had a night shift at a gas station in a Chicago neighborhood, where she regularly witnessed violent crimes – including shootings and stabbings. I could only imagine how afraid she must have felt and how desperate she must have been for the money to have stayed there.
Candace had no budget for coaching or courses but she followed my posts, read my blogs and listened to every free call I did. And she never gave up on her dream to be an independent, spirit-led solopreneur.
Today I found out that Candace recently quit her soul-destroying job to pursue her dream. With no windfall to get her up and running in her new business, money was very tight and with children in school, she felt afraid.
But Candace listened to my free Mandy’s Magic Money Formula free teleseminar and after a brief self-confessed pause for a little self-pity she decided to get into action and implement the steps I laid out in the money formula training call.
Here is a transcript from our Facebook conversation this morning, which Candace has allowed me to publish here:
”Hi Mandy. I was on the call you did recently for people who need to raise money fast. It was really helpful to me – I’ve been seeing results from implementing those things you told us to do on the call.
Mandy, I was in bed over the weekend feeling really, really low. I was so distraught, and I said: “God, I know I need to do something but I don’t know what it is. I can’t even think clearly.” So after my 30 minute pity party I got out of bed and said to myself, “You have to do something!” Again, I had no idea what to do.
But then I remembered what you said in your call and I got an idea. I said, why not just ask people if they need some VA services? Just ask directly. I got on Facebook and did that and within 20 minutes I had $90! I was so excited that it worked so fast!
I swear it seems like every time I say to myself when I have a problem, ‘I’m open to receiving miracles’ it seems like I get a miracle in response! No joke.
And I had a miracle happen today too. I was recently sending some Facebook messages and I was getting all ‘nos’. I was ready to get a little upset and then I said to myself, ‘No – I’m open to receiving miracles.’ The next thing I know this guy I had messaged (whom I don’t even know) told me that he had created a page for the people in his group to buy my service package and he’s giving it to them as a bonus. Wow – totally amazing results!
Mandy, you aren’t going to believe what just happened! While we were chatting here on Facebook I had one of my customers just message me right here next to you in the chat box and he says he wants to book 10 more hours with me!”
I can’t even begin to tell you how much that made my day. Candace is just an ordinary, everyday, special and beautiful human being who deserves a special and beautiful life. Just like you do.
So jump over and grab the link to Mandy’s Magic Money Formula free training call.
Because we know that you were born to have everything your heart desires, and we want to show you how.
Hugs, Mandy (and Wayne says, ‘Hi!’)