We’ve mentioned it before, but here at Monetize Your Vision Success Coaching we have some of the best clients on the planet. Seriously. Because they are so awesome, we thought it would be great for you to get to know them, too. All of our clients are entrepreneurs, and have succeeded at making their dreams a reality. Once a month we will shine the spotlight on one of our SuperStar coaching clients and give you the opportunity to get to know and love them and their creative businesses, just as we do!
This month the spotlight shines on the lovely Claudia Ring. Claudia is a representative for Juice Plus+, a convenient capsule form of super healthy doses of fruits, vegetables and grains. She’s helping to inspire healthy living around the world. We recently asked Claudia about her business, and this is what she had to say:
How did you get into your current business?
After consuming Juice Plus+ and noticing the positive health benefits I was experiencing, I began sharing it with others. When I realized others wanted Juice Plus+ too, I asked about the business. I found out that behind the powerful product was a powerful business.
Describe what’s been happening with your business in recent months. Any “big news”?
Big news is that I will be traveling to California shortly for the 20 year anniversary conference for Juice Plus+, and I plan to walk the stage as a new sales coordinator, which is the highest paid commission level with Juice Plus+.
What has been the biggest “defining moment” in your business so far?
My biggest defining moment so far has been to get the opportunity to present Juice Plus+ to a group of business people in a different state from where I live.
What is the best thing about your business? What’s the most difficult part?
The best part of being a Juice Plus+ Representative is spreading health. However, it is difficult when some are suspicious of the idea that there is the nutrients of over 25 fruits, veggies and berries in three little capsules!
What message do you hope to convey with your work?
I hope that by sharing Juice Plus+ with others I will spark a catalyst that gets others to embrace a healthier lifestyle.
What was the most scary moment in your business to date, and how did you get through it?
My scariest moment is happening right now. The conference is fast approaching and I still have goals to achieve to reach my desired position. I am getting through it with Mandy’s advice to visualize the outcome and not attach to the details.
What advice do you have for other business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs?
My advice to anyone considering owning their own business, or anyone aspiring to be an entrepreneur is get started now and keep working it.
UPDATE: Claudia went to her conference in California – to get an update from her you can visit her website here and here, and you can check her out on Facebook to see what she is up to now!
If you would like to take a giant step toward making your success a reality too, then our SuperStar Private Coaching Program may be just right for you!