Here at Monetize Your Vision Success Coaching we have some of the best clients on the planet. Seriously. Because they are so awesome, we thought it would be great for you to get to know them, too. All of our clients are entrepreneurs, and have succeeded at making their dreams a reality. Once a month we will shine the spotlight on one of our SuperStar coaching clients and give you the opportunity to get to know and love them and their creative businesses, just as we do!
Our first client spotlight is with the talented Dawn Chitwood. Dawn is the owner of Asheville Marketing Solutions, and she specializes in web design, social media services and email marketing. She is a happily married mom of two, and loves to showcase her creativity in DIY projects. We recently asked Dawn about her business, and this is what she had to say:
How did you get into your current business?
As an entrepreneur for the last 12 years, marketing has always been my favorite part of business so I chose to make it my central focus.
Describe what’s been happening with your business in recent months. Any “big news”?
As a start-up, my big news is having a growing client roster, an established web presence and brand awareness. I have seen measurable results for clients which is very fulfilling for me.
What has been the biggest “defining moment” in your business so far?
Receiving unsolicited testimonials on more than one occasion that I have helped people grow their businesses is what really makes my heart sing.
What is the best thing about being a marketer? What’s the most difficult part?
The best things about being a marketer is being a part of other people’s dreams and being a small part of helping them realize those dreams. The most difficult part of being a marketer is marketing myself.
What message do you hope to convey with your work?
The message I most want to convey to small business owners is the level of importance I believe your web presence and internet marketing has to your overall business success and that it doesn’t have to be so overwhelming. If you can answer some really specific questions about your goals and your market, you can more easily than you think come up with strategy that works for you and that doesn’t cost an enormous amount of money.
What was the most scary moment in your business to date, and how did you get through it?
The moment where I asked myself at what point do I need to go get a job. What’s the difference between being tenacious and sticking it out to accomplish your dreams and being foolish at the cost of my family. That was a tough battle, and I’m so glad I’ve finally conquered THAT conundrum!
What advice do you have for other business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs?
Smart goal setting. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and support you. Be consistent. And a focused, effective marketing plan, of course 🙂
To learn more about Dawn and her business, you can visit her website, and check her out on Facebook and Twitter.
If you would like to take a giant step toward making your success a reality too, then our SuperStar Private Coaching Program may be perfect for you!