Surrendering Control and Trusting The Universe

Hi, beautiful! Here’s a Success Memo just for you: When you’re unafraid of taking responsibility for the outcomes of your own actions, you’ll move further, faster, and with greater joy towards your goals and dreams. Okay, but what does that even mean? Well, have you…

When You Take That Terrifying Step…

Have You Ever Been Terrified of Taking Your Next Step? When I moved to America without knowing a soul – I was terrified. When I got my very first website client back in the mid-90’s – I was terrified. When I did my first big event as…

My Blue Cheese Brownies Recipe

Mandy’s Blue Cheese Brownies Recipe

Blue Cheese Brownies Sound Weird and Taste Awesome! Before you get weirded out though, this recipe for Mandy’s Blue Cheese Brownies is the BOMB and I urge you to try it before you say, “Eeew.”  I tested it on my (picky) family – twins Holly…

A Reason To Get Up Early

Wayne here. I will admit it, often after the kids go off to school, I just go back to bed. Sometimes I go on a photo adventure. I love the mist/clouds/fog we have up here in the mountains. Especially in the mornings. So this morning…

What’s YOUR Vision for Success?

I was recently asked what we do and why we do it for an upcoming speaking engagement, and was pondering how to word this. Here’s what I came up with: “We show people how to create a business they love around who they are, rather…

A Family Trip To Boone NC

We took a trip to Boone, NC last weekend to meet up with friends, catch up on some relaxation, do a little geo-caching with the kids and take in some of the stunning scenery.     The kids were excited.  This is the kids being…

How to crawl out from under your rocks…

When you hear people talk about someone crawling out from under a rock, it’s usually a bad thing. But let me share my experience of this and let’s see if we can’t shake the money tree a little bit for you, okay? Back when I…

[Video] This ONE THING is the Key to Making More Money

SNEAK PEEK SUCCESS CIRCLE VIDEO How to Talk About your Product or Service  Anywhere, Any Time, to Anybody – Part 1. [NOTE: This is Part 1 of our Success Circle training video for April, but we wanted to share it with you today because knowing…

Shouldn’t everybody Have an Easter Hat?

Mattie Parton works at our local Ingles grocery store. She works with guacamole, giving out samples. She’s always smiling and never complains. Mattie is in her late 70’s (or so) and one day she saw me wearing a felted wool hat that my sister-in-law, Pat…

New puppydog tales

We got a new puppy from our local animal rescue shelter . . . . . .she is very, very small and her name is Athena.  Or Sophie.  Or Sophena.  We can’t quite decide. Luckily she is not very cute and nobody is in love…