Transformational coach Asheville

Life Events and Business Transformation Mashup

When my husband Wayne was informed by his cardiologist that he had to have open heart surgery – and soon – neither of us had any idea that our lives would be turned upside down by the series of events that followed. Thankfully we had…

How to Monetize Your Business Year-Round

As a service business we sometimes get a little slow around the holidays as everyone focuses on gifts and parties and in-laws. Now if you have a retail business the holiday season may be your busiest time of the year. So we have two very…

Don’t Forget To Thank YOU!

Dear beautiful being, As wonderful as it is to express gratitude for good things – and SO MANY are doing it now – there’s one thing we’ve noticed that seems kind of odd to us. Very few people thank the one person who actually made it…

3 Wicked Mistakes Womenpreneurs Make

I’ll confess, I’ve made some pretty bad business mistakes in my 20 + years as an entrepreneur. The worst one was deciding to go back into corporate a few years back – that doozy almost ended my marriage – ugh! But over the years of coaching with small…

Mandy’s Magic Money Formula

A lot of people we’ve been talking to lately have been feeling some kind of financial stress. Maybe unexpected expenses are eating up all the extra money that’s coming in, or the marketing actions you’re doing are just not working the way they used to. While…

Mastering The Wicked “Ifs” and Changing Your Mindset

Mastering The Wicked “Ifs” and Changing Your Mindset The word “if” can be very dangerous. When you use it, you can be limiting the Universe and yourself. If you feel that a certain thing, feeling or manifestation can only be realized as a result of…

Are You Ready to Step into YOUR Soul-Centered Success?

Hi there and Happy 2014! We know that at this time of year, like so many other soul-centered entrepreneurs, you’ve probably been giving some very serious thought to how you want 2014 to be different for you. 2013 was an interesting year, to say the…


Greetings and HAPPY NEW YEAR – it’s FINALLY 2014 – woohoooooo! We are so excited to be on the panel of 31 personal development experts and authors in Mark Bowness’ NEW YEARS REVOLUTION ebook and online community. It’s free! it’s cool! It’s a MOVEMENT!      Did you…

A brush with death births a passion for success

Matt and Geri Mahaley got a frightening wake-up call when Matt was rushed to hospital for heart complications caused by his excessive weight.   This brush with death spurred Matt and Geri to make some life-changing choices. Overweight physically and weighted down with a bloated…

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