Does your website say who YOU are?

Sometimes when I mention to someone that I have been designing websites for over 15 years they say something like, “Oh, don’t look at my website!” or “I have a website but I hate it!” Pretty much  all businesses today need a website, but a poor website can…

Mandy’s Magic Money Formula

A lot of people we’ve been talking to lately have been feeling some kind of financial stress. Maybe unexpected expenses are eating up all the extra money that’s coming in, or the marketing actions you’re doing are just not working the way they used to. While…


Greetings and HAPPY NEW YEAR – it’s FINALLY 2014 – woohoooooo! We are so excited to be on the panel of 31 personal development experts and authors in Mark Bowness’ NEW YEARS REVOLUTION ebook and online community. It’s free! it’s cool! It’s a MOVEMENT!      Did you…

The 4 Stages of Success – Part 3

Reaching Stage 3 in your business is a HUGE milestone, because you can finally let go of everything else you’re doing to make ends meet and focus fully on growing your business. That’s a pretty cool position to be in, right?  Well, hold up –…

Five Low Cost or Free Marketing Ideas

As success coaches we frequently find ourselves brainstorming with small business owners about how to economically spread the word about what they do. When money’s tight it’s easy to stress over where to invest your limited marketing dollars, but sometimes the simplest and least expensive…

The 4 Stages of Success – Part 2

In our last blarticle (blog-article=blarticle, right?) we talked about how you know you’re in Stage 1 of Success with your business because you aren’t making any money yet. We went over some of the hit-the-ground-running steps that any new entrepreneur has to do in order…

What to do when your marketing isn’t working

What do you do when your marketing efforts are simply not working? You’ve been marketing your fingers to the bone. You’ve done what you know to do, such as:  attended live and online events and connected with lots of new people followed up with a…

[Video] This ONE THING is the Key to Making More Money

SNEAK PEEK SUCCESS CIRCLE VIDEO How to Talk About your Product or Service  Anywhere, Any Time, to Anybody – Part 1. [NOTE: This is Part 1 of our Success Circle training video for April, but we wanted to share it with you today because knowing…

[Social Media Tips] ‘Let’s Get Visual’ with Facebook

  Confession:  For some bizarre reason I had Olivia Newton-John’s song “Let’s Get Physical” playing in my head while thinking about what to share for this article, only I replaced ‘physical’ with ‘visual’.  Also, I apologize in advance if you now have the song stuck…

10 Tips for Choosing an Awesome Domain Name

Previously we talked about which version of WordPress (.com or .org) is best for entrepreneurs. Now that you’ve chosen the platform for your new blog, let’s talk a little about how to choose the best domain name. Your domain name is a pretty important thing….