We are frequently asked for tips on how to get started speaking at events, seminars and workshops. Often people tell us that while they are terrified to speak in front of people, they realize the importance of getting their message out to as many people…
Category: Public Speaking
Are You Ready to Step into YOUR Soul-Centered Success?
Hi there and Happy 2014! We know that at this time of year, like so many other soul-centered entrepreneurs, you’ve probably been giving some very serious thought to how you want 2014 to be different for you. 2013 was an interesting year, to say the…
Interview: How a near death accident changed her life
As Tammy Coffee calmly described how the car she was traveling in flew through the air and hit a tree, landing on her and then bursting into flames, I got chills. How could anyone have survived such a devastating accident in the first place, never mind…
The 4 Stages of Success – Part 3
Reaching Stage 3 in your business is a HUGE milestone, because you can finally let go of everything else you’re doing to make ends meet and focus fully on growing your business. That’s a pretty cool position to be in, right? Well, hold up –…
Free Teleseminar – How to get your best results ever!
They Took a Vow That Changed Everything. . . Recently we gave a live seminar where we showed attendees how to use what they already knew to get everything they want. We had a great time and ever since we have been getting calls and…
[Video] This ONE THING is the Key to Making More Money
SNEAK PEEK SUCCESS CIRCLE VIDEO How to Talk About your Product or Service Anywhere, Any Time, to Anybody – Part 1. [NOTE: This is Part 1 of our Success Circle training video for April, but we wanted to share it with you today because knowing…
Mandy Speaks at Fundraiser in Hendersonville, NC
Mandy Wildman had the great pleasure of addressing over 100 guests at a special fundraiser in Hendersonville, NC this past week. The event was a dinner held to honor the accomplishments of My Place Inc. staff and volunteers, several of whom were given awards in…