Your Perspective Can Change

I loved this piece of reasoning that came to me during a meditation back in October: “Your mood or attitude – your THOUGHTS – can change in a split second. Your perspective of any situation or desired manifestation can pivot on a dime. You OWN your…

Business Inspiration

The World You Were Meant To Live In

This came through to me the other day from Spirit, disguised as something a character was saying on a TV  show I was watching. I immediately realized that it needed to be in our next Success Memos book. Enjoy!

Surrendering Control and Trusting The Universe

Hi, beautiful! Here’s a Success Memo just for you: When you’re unafraid of taking responsibility for the outcomes of your own actions, you’ll move further, faster, and with greater joy towards your goals and dreams. Okay, but what does that even mean? Well, have you…

When You Take That Terrifying Step…

Have You Ever Been Terrified of Taking Your Next Step? When I moved to America without knowing a soul – I was terrified. When I got my very first website client back in the mid-90’s – I was terrified. When I did my first big event as…

How Does Manifesting Relate To Trusting the Universe?

Here’s today’s message from my spirit guides, Xara & Friends: “If all you had to do was ask, trust and allow, you would be here with us in the non-physical. You chose a physical lifetime on Earth to embrace the challenge of working with the currency…

Resistance and Tragedies

Hi there. A few days ago I got a message from my spirit mentors, Xara & Friends, regarding the most recent tragic event. I hesitated to share it, but I’ve finally decided to do it because they are gently reminding me that it could help. “Where…

Is your sensitivity affecting your business?

It’s no secret that a few years ago, I had what I now refer to as an Unusual Spiritual Experience. I was suddenly and unexpectedly able to channel a group of loving, non-physical entities I now know as Xara & Friends. It changed my life…

Is Your Past Conspiring Against You?

Is Your Past Conspiring Against You? Do you ever feel like things that happened a long time ago may be holding you back? Well, the answer is: Only if you let them. The only one who holds you back is you. And you do this…