I and my awesomely creative little team really love to design websites and blog-sites (as I call them). We especially like to do a complete and utter re-design / re-brand / revamp / re-think of an old, tired website that’s not working for you any more.
If you’re thinking of updating or re-designing your old website or launching a brand new website, you should contact us to get a complimentary website design quote. We are nice and not pushy and have been designing websites for a long, long time (in internet years).
And here’s where you can read some of our client testimonials.
Here are some recent examples of websites we’ve designed or re-designed for our fabulous clients here in Western North Carolina and beyond:
Lynda Schoenbeck, Therapist, Waynesville NC
Lynda is a gentle and caring soul, and that is exactly what we all need once in a while. So when she asked me to create a logo for her I gave it a lot of thought. “I want something that represents breath and breathing because that is very important in my work,” she told me. I gave it a LOT of thought.
Two weeks went by and I still didn’t have that “eureka” moment. Then one day my daughter Holly came in and said, “Mom, look at the dandelions outside in the field – they are ready to blow!” And then I had it. The perfect image to describe what Lynda Schoenbeck does with life’s problems:
If you or someone you know needs someone who will listen with empathy and understanding, Lynda’s one of the best listeners I’ve ever met.
Commerce Street Mercantile in Waynesville, NC
I don’t know about you, but I love, love, love funky retro gift stores. So when Courtney Hall opened up Commerce Street Mercantile right next to my favorite coffee shop Panacea Coffee in Historic Frog Level, Waynesville NC) I HAD to go in and beg her to let me design her a website. It was a match made in heaven! If you love retro gifts and things that look like they belong in a 1950’s movie, I encourage you to visit Courtney’s store. It’s just fun from the get-go!
I seem to be getting websites related to food lately. Must have been dreaming of delicious meals because that is what owner Michelle Briggs cooks up when she caters an event, whether it be a country wedding or an annual corporate shindig. Still working on this one but she wanted me to show you the pretty pictures of the types of food she loves to prepare. If you’re looking for a fabulous caterer in Waynesville, NC just reach out to Michelle.
This was a redesign of an old site. Below you see the new site and below that you can see a screenshot of the old site – pretty but a bit outdated. The new site has a cleaner look and a rather striking – but appropriate message. Her all-natural Hot Sex Herbal Formula is one of her best-sellers!
Mechell Turner is a truly gifted herbalist, and it was my pleasure to create a pretty, fresh website for her with a great store so that she can easily sell all her herbal tinctures and wonderful natural remedies. Be sure to stop by her store if ever you are in Peachland, North Carolina.
This one below was the old site – sweet but a bit dated-looking. (I can say that because I was the one who designed it, back in the day.)
OMG – I have NEVER seen such a prolific blogger! With over 550 blogs, 3,000+ images and and a bazillion links that all needed re-formatting after migrating this massive site over to WordPress from an old platform, it was very rewarding to see how delighted the client was with it. And her recipes? Oh, man – delicious!!!
There’s nothing I like better than working with someone who is dedicated to helping others, and Stephany Smathers of Pink Regalia fits that description the way her bras fit her clients! I LOVED working on this pretty pink website, and if you get a chance pop into her store in Waynesville, North Carolina and try on some of the lovely feminine lingerie she carries.
Pink Regalia – BEFORE
This is what the Pink Regalia site looked like before, and although it wasn’t bad, it was kind of frumpy looking and was ready for a nice, clean re-design.
Now I like food as much as the next person, but when Victor Johnston came to me to create a website that would showcase his amazing food artistry and catering services, I was ecstatic. Victor likes RED. Can you tell?
HealingFirst Network – brand and website development, logo design
This one was a biggie, size-wise, with lots of complex functionality. I love how clean and simple it is, and the flat circles in the bright colors. Everybody we talked to loved the design of this site.
This is just me doodling. It’s a thing with me.
Rose Marie is an up-and-coming author with a really unique twist on life. She is funny and truthful and she’ll make you think. And laugh. And then think some more. I think this website is made up of fresh and vibrant colors that match her approach to life perfectly.
Click here to get a website design quote
or call us at (828) 564-3096
Reboot The Magic
At one point I got into purple. Purple everything. This website was the result (one of many things I’ve ‘painted’ purple!).
I even painted my husband purple! Wayne did NOT appreciate this, but I thought it was kinda cute. 😉
More hand-drawn illustrations by yours truly:
84 Hickory Drive, Weaverville, NC
SOLD! Oh, please tell your friends about this house! OMG – what an amazing home and lucky me, I got to look at gorgeous photos of this stunning mountain home for hours at a time! Built with love, care, and meticulous attention to detail, this custom craftsman home is ready to welcome a new family into its life!
National Association of Mothers & Daughters in Business
This is an really cool organization and I’m totally proud to have had a hand in the creation of their website.
Dry Master Carpet Care in Waynesville, NC
A really nice couple with 5 awesome kids own this company. They deserved a great website that brings them lots of carpet cleaning leads. They moved to the Western North Carolina mountains not long ago and they are building an awesome reputation with the help of a user-friendly website.
iOrganize Houston!
Here’s a pretty website for a pretty (and very organized) lady. Alia organizes homes and offices in the Houston, Texas area and I’m sure they are very grateful. Wish she lived near me! She has her own style and knows what she wants. I love the vibrant colors of this site.
Keppel Design, Asheville NC
Peter Keppel is a designer / builder in the Asheville, NC area who offers calm, caring craftsmanship, and he wanted his website to reflect that. Clean lines, simple message, nothing fussy. I think I learned something about calm, caring craftsmanship from Peter and I love the design we came up with.
This is Twinksie. She is one of my spirit guides. That is all.
Your Organizing Diva
Wow – this website really tells you what she does and how well she does it – doesn’t it? Debbie Shults’ new website for her businesses Your Organizing Diva is clean, uncluttered and, yes, organized.
Debbie gave me good direction and together we came up with a site that is so easy to find and to navigate – she got a lead for a paying client in Asheville, NC who found her website through Google before it was even finished! Now THAT’S a website that works and pays its own way!
Debbie rocks, and if you’re in the Western North Carolina area or wherever she happens to be you should give her a call to get help with organizing, event planning, book keeping – you name it, she’ll keep you sane!
Click here to get a website design quote
or call us at (828) 564-3096
Carolina Timber Components, Waynesville NC
Carolina Timber Components is a subsidiary of Blue Ridge Post and Beam. CTC (as we affectionately call them) are all about fine quality timber components – pergolas, porticos, and pretty pieces of fine craftsmanship on beautiful homes. This is what we came up with to show off the high-end rustic elegance of what they do.
Laura Sherman, The Friendly Ghost Writer
This adorably wild website was designed for (and with) Laura Sherman who is a successful author and ghost writer. She wanted something different that represented her loves and interests. She got it and her fans are digging it.
The next morning Laura sent us a comment that she received from a fan on Twitter: “I don’t know your inspiration for your website, but I *love* it! :-)” Blush!
Postcard design, Event Branding
Spirit helped with this one. Enough said.
Click here to get a website design quote
or call us at (828) 564-3096
Clene Start Carpet Cleaning
We hadn’t designed a carpet cleaning website before this one, and this project presented a challenge. These clients needed help overcoming the (deliberate) miss-spelling of the word ‘Clene’ in their business name. We came up with a social media strategy resulting in a campaign to attract dog lovers. After all, there are LOTS of people who own dogs AND carpets in the North Georgia area! All we had to do was create a great blog – a “doggy blog” if you will – and then build a Facebook and Twitter and blogging campaign that would attract the attention of their target market. As dog lovers themselves, these clients were delighted to get into the swing of blogging, tweeting and Facebooking like mad, and also happily supplied the adorable puppy photos that adorn the header of their new blog. Ahhhh – we love our job!
Clyde Auto Exchange
This is a website we designed for our local car dealer in Clyde, North Carolina, or WNC as we like to say around here, which means Western North Carolina. Clyde Auto sells quality used cars to families (like ours) and serves the Haywood County area, including Clyde, Canton, Waynesville, Maggie Valley, and some other towns near here like Sylva, Franklin and Bryson City.
Designing websites for small businesses is a pleasure, because they are so appreciative when we show them how to update and control their own website. As Roy Greene, the owner of Clyde Auto said this morning, “Mandy, you make updating my website a piece of cake.” It made his day, and when Roy’s brother Bruce gave me a delicious oatmeal cookie it made my day too.
Dragonfly Medicine Acupuncture NC
I just love the colors that Waynesville, NC acupuncturist Donna Combs chose for her website – the perfect mix of professional (of course) but also slightly playful (just like Donna). I had so much fun with this one!

Exterior Lighting Asheville, NC
Here is an example of a “double website redesign.” Let me explain. When Jay first came to me he was practically in tears over his website – with good reason. When I saw how UGLY this thing was, I nearly wept too: This is the BEFORE website – ugh!
What was even sadder was that Jay has spent all his money on the clowns who had turned in this piece of “go-suh” (that’s Chinese for “crap”). So with a teeny budget we got in there and spiffed it up nicely:
Jay was happy with this – but I wasn’t and I told him so. “There’s more to be done here, Jay,” I said. “This was a band-aid solution – but you know me – I want the real thing for you. Come back when you have a budget.” So about a year later, I got a call. “Mandy, this is Jay Maya.” I was so happy to hear from him, because Jay is a good guy and his company, A1 Illuminations provides some of the most wonderful residential and commercial exterior lighting I have ever seen. He is an artist, and so am I – we appreciate each other. This is what Jay has today, and he LOVES, LOVES, LOVES it! AFTER the website redesign:
Send Out Cards Missouri
A darling blog for a dedicated and hard-working SendOutCards enthusiast. Go for it, Brenda!
Space Spiffing
What a fun website to do for a fun and creative lady! We had a blast creating the “wall-paper” for this cute website.
Dey’s Welding
Butch is a manly man. You can tell that by his name. And his photo. And for a manly man you need a manly website. He was very happy with this one. (Of course, despite his name, Butch is really a teddy bear. And a very talented metal artist.)
This is a design I did several years ago for my personal blog. I’m big into bright colors and fru-fru. That’s me. Oh – and my kids. And my husband. Okay, I’ll stop now.
Mentored by an Eagle – Branding, Website Design and Course Development
This training course site was a lot of fun to do simple because Wayne and I have done a lot of training course development. We really enjoy the process of helping online course participants successfully complete their targets by making sure that the course materials are easy to follow.
Tuckasiegee River Mountain Lodge, Whittier, NC
Like this one, for example. You really have to click on the picture and just go look for yourself – the slider features some amazing photos of the Western North Carolina mountains and this gorgeous mountain-top lodge. This was a lot of fun to do, because we got to go and stay there with Nancy and the gang and we had a great time!
WNC Woman Magazine
This was a redesign of a wonderful – but slightly dated-looking – website for a much-loved women’s magazine in Western North Carolina:

What a difference — client and advertisers alike ADORE this fresh and sexy re-do!
There are so many more – not enough room to list them all. I’ve been offering website design and website re-design, since 1994. Having designed over 300 websites I have been accused of being a website design expert. You’d think I’d get tired of it, but no. I love it, always will.
Feel free to contact us for a quote. We offer website design and social media marketing services as well as small business coaching in the western North Carolina region, including Waynesville, Sylva, Maggie Valley, Brevard, Franklin, Boone, Asheville, Hendersonville, and surrounding areas, as well as Charlotte, NC, Knoxville, TN and Greenville, SC. And actually, the rest of the country too!
Mandy Wildman
Get a website design quote here
or call us at (828) 564-3096