How Spirit Helped Her Reach New Clients

Working with Mandy is always very interesting, in terms of all the many things she has taught me about marketing my business. She and Wayne have actually given me so many ideas and suggestions for ways to grow my business that I can’t always keep up with them!

However, the most recent session I had with Mandy really opened my eyes. Mandy had actually planned to do a spiritual consult with me at the end of our business coaching session, but it kept coming up in our conversation and so we just went with it.

She first connected with Spirit to actually clear up some things I mentioned to her about how I felt about Father’s Day. I had these feelings about how I didn’t feel like my dad was my ‘hero’, nor did I really feel the honor I thought I should have during this day. Mandy began conversing with her spiritual mentors (Xara & Friends) and they really helped me process these feelings. I was actually amazed at how ON TARGET they were.

Then, what really astounded me was that they asked if I would like to connect with my personal spiritual guides. I have always wanted to do this! Mandy explained how helpful talking to your ‘spirits’ can be when you are wanting to get answers, be led to possibilities of where to go to find business, and how to manifest whatever you want!

I was really ready to know my ‘spirits’ after Xara & Friends had given me so much guidance already. I settled back to quiet myself. Mandy guided me to make the connection. I was not sure if I was actually getting a name, because the Name ‘John’ came up. That was my grandfather’s name. I didn’t know if there was any connection at all. But one thing I did know is that my grandfather John was a wise man to have been able to purchase not one but two farms in his lifetime. It takes a very wise man to have the finances to work hard on a farm and also buy a couple of farms. Mandy confirmed that she was getting a name that began with “J”. When I told her the name “John”, we both had confirmation. I now know ‘John’ is my main Spirit Guide and he will help me with manifesting.

While Mandy and I were talking about ‘John’ it was clear that a second name was coming in very quickly. ‘Cierra’ was coming through loud and clear. ‘Cierra’ was telling me she was there to help me with energy. She is to help me go deeper with my energy work and I am to ask her questions about energy and involve her in my work. Mandy identified her as my Guardian Angel.

Since I had that session with Mandy, I’ve been talking a lot to ‘John’. Now that he has been identified I find have a great connection with him while also having a deep appreciation and respect for my grandfather. I understand clearly why I should talk him. He will be a wonderful help to creating and manifesting my business here in Western North Carolina – both in the Waynesville area and in Asheville.

Amazingly John has already motivated me to reach out and visit more places to present my work which is resulting in some fascinating connections to expand my business. I am developing a beautiful relationship with John and I’m loving it! And this is just ONE DAY after my session with Mandy! I now feel like I have someone to discuss matters with and he will guide mt to things which I need to do and try.

Next I am going to begin talking to and trusting Cierra and asking her to help me with learning more about energy. I am just so excited to develop a powerful relationship with her and the rest of my spiritual support team. Thank you Mandy and welcome Spirits!

Linda Neff, 6/18/2014