A Reason To Get Up Early

Wayne here. I will admit it, often after the kids go off to school, I just go back to bed. Sometimes I go on a photo adventure. I love the mist/clouds/fog we have up here in the mountains. Especially in the mornings. So this morning I decided to bring my camera down to Lake Junaluska to take some shots of the sunrise.


Why would you live anywhere else when this keeps coming up day after day?


Cue the goose.


This one I decided to make into a greeting card. You can actually click on the image and send it out as a greeting card for free. Go ahead, send it to anyone (in the US) you like and add your own message.

No, seriously you can send this card to someone for free. We will even cover the postage. You know someone deserves a lovely card from you.

More photos soon,
