How Does Manifesting Relate To Trusting the Universe?

Here’s today’s message from my spirit guides, Xara & Friends: “If all you had to do was ask, trust and allow, you would be here with us in the non-physical. You chose a physical lifetime on Earth to embrace the challenge of working with the currency…

Resistance and Tragedies

Hi there. A few days ago I got a message from my spirit mentors, Xara & Friends, regarding the most recent tragic event. I hesitated to share it, but I’ve finally decided to do it because they are gently reminding me that it could help. “Where…

Does your website say who YOU are?

Sometimes when I mention to someone that I have been designing websites for over 15 years they say something like, “Oh, don’t look at my website!” or “I have a website but I hate it!” Pretty much  all businesses today need a website, but a poor website can…

Is your sensitivity affecting your business?

It’s no secret that a few years ago, I had what I now refer to as an Unusual Spiritual Experience. I was suddenly and unexpectedly able to channel a group of loving, non-physical entities I now know as Xara & Friends. It changed my life…

My Blue Cheese Brownies Recipe

Mandy’s Blue Cheese Brownies Recipe

Blue Cheese Brownies Sound Weird and Taste Awesome! Before you get weirded out though, this recipe for Mandy’s Blue Cheese Brownies is the BOMB and I urge you to try it before you say, “Eeew.”  I tested it on my (picky) family – twins Holly…

How to Monetize Your Business Year-Round

As a service business we sometimes get a little slow around the holidays as everyone focuses on gifts and parties and in-laws. Now if you have a retail business the holiday season may be your busiest time of the year. So we have two very…

Don’t Forget To Thank YOU!

Dear beautiful being, As wonderful as it is to express gratitude for good things – and SO MANY are doing it now – there’s one thing we’ve noticed that seems kind of odd to us. Very few people thank the one person who actually made it…

Are You An Entrepreneurial Emotional Eater?

A guest blog  by Health Coach and Emotional Eating Expert, Shannon Lagasse. Dear Entrepreneur, Let’s talk busy schedules. Because if you’re an entrepreneur, whether you’re new to the industry or not, it’s highly likely that your calendar is filled to the brim with action and activity.  …

A Reason To Get Up Early

Wayne here. I will admit it, often after the kids go off to school, I just go back to bed. Sometimes I go on a photo adventure. I love the mist/clouds/fog we have up here in the mountains. Especially in the mornings. So this morning…